Becca Allen


Black Iron Vert


I started Black Iron Vert about 7 months ago (although wow, it doesn't seem like that long...) when I decided I wanted to start hiking and backpacking (more than just little 2-mile jaunts, ya know?). I was really unhappy with my body and wanted to be active again, but I needed structure and actual goals to work toward to stay motivated, and this program really opened up a whole world for me! 

A couple of weeks ago, I got back from backpacking in the freaking Tetons! (Literally not even 5 months ago I had told my friends I would never camp in grizzly territory, but training in this program and seeing the challenges everyone else was tackling, somewhere along the way I decided I didn't want to set those limits on myself). The BIT community has been so challenging and encouraging, because I want to reach the levels others in the program are already at, but also the training itself kicks my butt in all the best ways, and I've discovered this sicko part of me that actually loves being in the gym and pushing myself to see just how much I can do. Even though my body doesn't look the exact way I may want it to (still a work in progress!), I've never been prouder of it. A year ago, I never could've imagined taking on the physical challenges that I've taken on this year (and the ones I'm already planning for the future!). I've come to value what my body does for me way more than just how it looks while it's doing it, and that's really changed my perception of so many things.

Thank you for this program and community that you've built. It’s been changing my life for the better!


Katherine Manwaring


Gabriel Brianna