Gabriel Brianna


Black Iron Vert


I had always preferred the outdoors and adventuring but had lost touch with that part of me the last few years. When my daughter was born that changed. I found my general weight lifting to not be rewarding anymore. I realized I wanted to be able to take her incredible places. I’d been following Krissy for several years and had seen the training for Black Iron Vert. I finally decided to give it a go and I’ve never looked back! 

I’ve now completed a strength and endurance cycle. I truly cannot brag on the programming enough and how much it has helped my ability to not just be in shape overall but carry my daughter to new (literal) heights. Previously I followed more of a traditional bodybuilding split and wanted to quit on hard 12 mile trails with no pack. Now I am able to carry a 30+ pound pack for much longer and with much more ease. 

The community is also amazing! It has connected me with a network of truly badass people (and lots of other women) who encourage and do badass things. It has made me feel like it’s possible to do anything I set my mind to! 

If you’re on the fence about the programming at all, don’t be! I feel like I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in and ready to take on any adventure. 

Thanks for all you do! From someone who used to do just the “bro” split and thought they were in shape I was sorely mistaken and this program whooped my ass into shape for the activities I enjoy! This photo is from a 5.6 mile trail with 1,026 feet of elevation gain that I didn’t die doing carrying her up even after doing a shorter loop at around 4 miles. Best program ever!


Becca Allen


Lindsay New