Katherine Manwaring


Black Iron Vert, Cakes, Core


I’ve been following Black Iron Vert for about 3 months now with the cakes and core add-ons and love the progress that I’ve made in such a short period of time. I come from a powerlifting specific background and I love that this program provides me with an opportunity to continue focusing on my strength while also increasing my endurance.

I joined because I wanted to get better at hiking longer distances. My powerlifting training definitely helped me, but adding in the endurance aspect made a whole world of difference. I didn’t realize when I joined that I was also getting a huge community full of support and encouragement. The members and coaches helped me feel comfortable enough to take my love of the outdoors to the next level and feel confident enough to crush my first backpacking trip. When I joined, carrying the things I needed to survive on my back seemed like a goal so far out of reach, but here I am a few short months later with it checked off the list!


Jake Pluta


Becca Allen