Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Your Simplified Grocery Guide

In this grocery guide, we have broken down everything you need to create a balanced and healthy meal plan. We suggest how many items to pick from each category, including your major macronutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, as well as micronutrient-rich fruits and veggies, quick snacks, and seasonings to add flavor to your meals.

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

23.2 Nutrition Strategies from our Performance Team

The secret to success here is carbs- you’re going to need all of your glycogen stores for this one, and we’re even going to try and sneak in some refueling mid-workout. For all athletes: we are again suggesting a refeed the day before you compete, but this weeks will be a bit more substantial. In addition to your daily allotment of carbs - we suggest anywhere from a 30-50% surplus of carbs to keep your muscle glycogen stores packed for the WOD.

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Fitness, Nutrition Ashley Beaver Fitness, Nutrition Ashley Beaver

2023 Crossfit Game Open Nutrition Strategy

It’s the ~Most Wonderful Time of the Year~!!! The OPEN! The Open is a celebration. It’s a time for every crossfitter to test themselves, to immerse more deeply in their community, to compete, have fun and learn some stuff. Whether you’re trying to get to the next stage, or trying to get your first muscle up or string those dubs together, we are here to help you make sure you don’t have to stress about the food side of things.

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

Sleep: The missing piece in your health & fitness puzzle

In the world of health and fitness, there's a lot of emphasis on exercise, nutrition, and supplements. But there's one crucial factor that often gets overlooked: sleep. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that more exercise, more supplements, or a new diet plan will be the solution to your health and fitness goals. But the truth is, without enough sleep, all those efforts may be in vain.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Are you eating enough?

Many people are quick to blame nagging health issues on their food habits and often rightfully so. But they’re more likely to pin it on over-eating when often the root of the issue is actually the opposite. Under-eating is VERY common. We’ve conditioned ourselves to believe that eating less  = better life. The truth is that’s not always true. I know, I KNOW, this is the opposite of what you’ve believed your whole life! Eating too little is just as unhealthy as eating too much.

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Fitness Ashley Beaver Fitness Ashley Beaver

How long does it take to lose your gains?

Taking time off from your regular workout routine for any reason can be a challenge, and it's common to worry about losing the progress you've made in your fitness journey. Whether you're recovering from an injury, dealing with a personal issue that leaves you with less time and energy, or facing any other circumstance that makes it difficult to maintain your regular workout schedule, it's normal to be worried about months or even years of training going down the drain. But how long does it take to really for deconditioning to really set in?

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Your nutrition should be periodized – just like your training

While I'm not proud of it, when I first started losing weight, I was 100% into cut mode every day 24/7. I didn't have the slightest clue as to what a real maintenance period was, because I thought that was something you only did once you reached your ‘goal weight’. I also didn’t realize I was doing more harm than good by trying to be in a straight deficit for a majority of the year. Maintenance is where so much of the magic happens; habits are built, there’s more flexibility with food choices and social gatherings, cortisol levels are lower, and energy is higher.

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Mindset, Nutrition Ashley Beaver Mindset, Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Coaching is Collaborative

I think it's easy to forget that coaching should be a 2-way street. Yes, there is a level of trust and respect that should go into the relationship you have with your coach, but to get everything you can from your experience and investment, there should always be an active conversation going. So what does this mean for clients?

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Recipes Ashley Beaver Recipes Ashley Beaver

High Protein Chicken Pad Thai

Who doesn’t love Chicken Pad Thai? I know I do. With a boost in the amount of chicken you use and a store bought sauce, this one is simple and can help with getting your protein in for the day.

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Recipes Ashley Beaver Recipes Ashley Beaver

Greek Chicken Bowl

Need something quick for your meal prep this week? Coach Maggie’s got you! You can pile in all the veggies or keep it simple. Lots of ways to adjust this recipe for your needs!

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

The best time of day to eat for maximizing performance & fat loss

Nutrient timing is generally discussed in relation to two things: the circadian rhythm, which are your natural internal processes that ebb and flow, and repeat every 24 hours or so; and timing around training sessions. In this article, I will discuss how each of those can affect weight/fat loss, and then separately discuss performance implications.

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