5 Tips to Help You Achieve Your Goals This Year
New year! New you...? What’s it really going to take to accomplish those goals this year? Here are five things you should be focusing on.
How do you know if you are making progress without monitoring for it? Well, you can’t. Making change visible also increases the motivation to bring about, even more, change when you see the returns on the time and energy you’ve invested. So what does monitoring look like? Well, this depends on what your specific goals are. However, metrics such as taking your daily bodyweight or recording weekly body measurements are helpful.
Regular activity
I think there is far too much emphasis on exercise and not nearly enough on nutrition. However, the effects of engaging in daily activity cannot be discounted. It matters far less what the activity is and more that you are consistent. Whether you are getting 10k steps a day or running a marathon, what matters most is that you enjoy it enough to do it consistently.
It’s okay, I know you are thinking it: What’s a nutrition coach?! It costs how much?!? Why do I need that?! Well, here’s the deal. It’s not a question of CAN you do it. I know you can do it. It is more a question of WILL you do it. When it comes to nutrition, it matters less what program you follow and more that you follow the program. The great part about using a nutrition coach is that we can customize the program to YOU.
Long-term goals
Change is a slow process. It takes time and patience. We don’t gain weight overnight. The important takeaway here is to stay focused on the long-term goal. It is not helpful to get caught up in day-to-day bumps in the road. Those who can keep their eye on the prize and keep pushing, those are the people who achieve the long-term outcomes they desire.
Social support
Hashtag buddy system! Do you want to train harder in the gym? Train with others who are training hard. Want to lose fat? Find a friend also working towards that goal. How do you find others who have the same goals as you? Well, start by talking about your goals. Share with others and you may just find someone with the same goals.