Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

7 Tips for Starting Your Nutrition Journey

Starting your nutrition journey can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. From setting realistic goals to building foundational habits, these seven tips will help you take the first step toward creating a sustainable, healthier lifestyle—no quick fixes required.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Are you eating enough?

Many people are quick to blame nagging health issues on their food habits and often rightfully so. But they’re more likely to pin it on over-eating when often the root of the issue is actually the opposite. Under-eating is VERY common. We’ve conditioned ourselves to believe that eating less  = better life. The truth is that’s not always true. I know, I KNOW, this is the opposite of what you’ve believed your whole life! Eating too little is just as unhealthy as eating too much.

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Mindset Ashley Beaver Mindset Ashley Beaver

How to stay consistent when things get boring

Look, I know I JUST said I want you to be bored. But I also want you to have fun!

For some people, it’s hard to find joy in the grind of the process even if they know deep down it’s worth it. If you can trick yourself into enjoying the tedious need-to-dos, the odds of sticking with lifestyle changes, reaching your goals, & maintaining progress long term are much greater.

How can you reframe or remix the boring stuff to feel fresh & fun?

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Mindset, Fitness, Nutrition Ashley Beaver Mindset, Fitness, Nutrition Ashley Beaver

What I Learned from a 365 Day Habit

In 2021, I committed to walking one mile per day. When I told people I was doing a mile a day they always looked at me funny because they knew that I had a moderate level of fitness and could run much longer distances. But I knew I couldn't commit to running or even walking those longer distances consistently every single day for an entire year.

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Recipes Ashley Beaver Recipes Ashley Beaver

Instant Pot Meal Prep

My Instant Pot has quickly become one of my most revered kitchen tools in the last two years. Cooking flavorful food fast is never wrong in my book. Rice cooker? Done. Steamer? Done. Hard-boiled eggs that perfectly peel? Double done.

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Mindset Ashley Beaver Mindset Ashley Beaver

Flexible Dieting: Are You Doing It Right?

I’ve cycled through lots of extremes regarding my nutrition. I’ve gone years never thinking twice about what I consumed. I’ve gone through periods of intense bingeing, only to restrict for days on end. I have also lived on the other side of the extreme…

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Mindset Ashley Beaver Mindset Ashley Beaver

Can Food Be An Addiction?

I felt it was time that I wrote something more personal. I think I have avoided delving too deep because of the shame that is attached to food addiction, emotional eating, binging, etc. It wasn’t until fairly recently that I was able to pinpoint exactly how I defined my own emotional eating behavior. I once sought the help of a therapist for this very issue. Why do I eat when I’m not hungry? I was met with amateur-hour suggestions. Eat off a red plate, drink water before meals, “I’ll fill a prescription for an appetite suppressant.”

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Business Ashley Beaver Business Ashley Beaver

How To Run Your Online Coaching Business During The Holidays

As a business owner, I understand all too well what the December lull does for the coaching industry. If you aren’t selling something that can be given as a gift, your service or business is the first thing cut from a client’s budget this time of year, as gifts and travel expenses take precedent. I’m looking at you, online coaches. This is something most online coaches deal with, as it happens when you own a business that provides an “unnecessary” service. I am here to hopefully offer some words of wisdom to help your coaching business in the long term, as I for one think it is important to be sensitive this time of year.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

9 nutrition tips for healthy travel

If your nutrition is a priority of yours (and I'm sure it is or you probably wouldn't be reading this) then I hope this list comes in handy. Whether you travel for work or pleasure and whether you're on a road trip or flying somewhere far away, having a plan is key.

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