Danica B.


I joined BIN in 2018 due to  gaining weight after a relationship breakdown. I previously lost 50kgs on my own however looked sick and had no muscle or strength what so ever. Half of the weight came back and after constantly beating myself up over not being able to shift it I decided it was time to get some help.  During this time I fell in love with lifting and would be consistently frustrated because I was not seeing any progress.

Ryann has been my coach from the start and has been absolutely amazing. I have also had the pleasure of Dianne and Kirstie along the way whilst BINterning. In the early days I had to be talked off the ledge multiple times and was a nightmare client. I failed a cut and beat myself up so instead focused on reversing and maintaining for quite a while before attempting another cut.

2020 saw me move to a small remote town in Australia for my job in Law Enforcement. I am lucky to have a basic home gym and with little distractions I attempted another cut. This also came with the challenge of limited grocery options as a supermarket trip is a 7 hour round drive. But I made it work.

This time I finally had success however gave 100%. I learnt so much along the way from Ryann and feel the healthiest I have been in years.

I love the accountability and having someone supportive  who understands when others on the outside are constantly judgmental.

I’m so lucky to have Ryann in my corner and am thankful for her knowledge and patience making each week a breeze. 


Cat H.


Maria R.