Cat H.


Picking Quiana to be my nutrition coach was the best decision I could have made for myself. I had a failed experience with a nutrition coach in the past and I felt very anxious about trying a coaching system like BIN. At the same time, I hated my body, was gaining weight, and felt desperate. I even went as far as scheduling a liposuction appointment hoping for a quick fix. I had lost all hope.

This is where my coach Quiana comes into play. She convinced me I didn’t need surgery I just needed to TRUST THE PROCESS. She was exactly right! When I started, I was eating roughly 1800 calories a day and just didn’t seem to have very much energy. She explained to me about reverse dieting and started me there. The idea of eating more scared me to death but I knew I needed to trust my coach.

Since working with Quiana I have learned so much about nutrition and feel confident in the foods I am eating, even ALL the carbs.

For the first time in my life I see zero point in starving myself to lose weight. I finally feel like I have a sustainable solution.

Throughout my journey with my coach I only completed one cut, otherwise I have been in maintenance. I am currently eating around 2200 calories a day (400 more than before) and feel so much better. I have a lot more energy and my overall mood has improved.

I used to see the number on the scale as a quantitative indicator of my value as a person. Quiana changed that for me!!! Even though I have only lost around 8 lbs, my body composition has changed and I don’t dread the the scale the way I used to. I can’t say all of my negative feelings are gone, and I have a ways to go both physically and emotionally, but I couldn’t have accomplished any of this without my BIN coach. Quiana is knowledgeable, supportive, honest, and positive. She has given me a sense of confidence about my body that I haven’t had before. I cannot thank her enough!


Ted P.


Danica B.