Custom Programming

$110.00 every month

We offer sport specific custom programming for those who have goals that can’t be met through our main training programs. You can work with a coach for a few months to prepare for a specific objective, race, trip, meet, comp, etc. or build a long-term, ongoing relationship with a coach and work together to choose new goals as time goes on. You will be billed monthly and can cancel at any time.

After filling out our intake form and having a brief welcome call with your coach, you’ll start receiving your goal-specific, individualized programming one week at a time in FinalSurge, TrainHeroic or both, depending on your goals. Your programming will written and tailored to your specific goals, needs, fitness level, available terrain/equipment, and time constraints. You’ll leave any necessary feedback and notes on your sessions in order for your coach to progress or tweak your program as needed each week, but otherwise won’t communicate with your coach (unless necessary) or receive written or verbal feedback on your training, which is monitored weekly.

Black Iron Terms & Conditions


We offer sport specific custom programming for those who have goals that can’t be met through our main training programs. You can work with a coach for a few months to prepare for a specific objective, race, trip, meet, comp, etc. or build a long-term, ongoing relationship with a coach and work together to choose new goals as time goes on. You will be billed monthly and can cancel at any time.

After filling out our intake form and having a brief welcome call with your coach, you’ll start receiving your goal-specific, individualized programming one week at a time in FinalSurge, TrainHeroic or both, depending on your goals. Your programming will written and tailored to your specific goals, needs, fitness level, available terrain/equipment, and time constraints. You’ll leave any necessary feedback and notes on your sessions in order for your coach to progress or tweak your program as needed each week, but otherwise won’t communicate with your coach (unless necessary) or receive written or verbal feedback on your training, which is monitored weekly.

Black Iron Terms & Conditions

We offer sport specific custom programming for those who have goals that can’t be met through our main training programs. You can work with a coach for a few months to prepare for a specific objective, race, trip, meet, comp, etc. or build a long-term, ongoing relationship with a coach and work together to choose new goals as time goes on. You will be billed monthly and can cancel at any time.

After filling out our intake form and having a brief welcome call with your coach, you’ll start receiving your goal-specific, individualized programming one week at a time in FinalSurge, TrainHeroic or both, depending on your goals. Your programming will written and tailored to your specific goals, needs, fitness level, available terrain/equipment, and time constraints. You’ll leave any necessary feedback and notes on your sessions in order for your coach to progress or tweak your program as needed each week, but otherwise won’t communicate with your coach (unless necessary) or receive written or verbal feedback on your training, which is monitored weekly.

Black Iron Terms & Conditions

Meet The Coaches


Hi, I'm Chelsea! I started running in 2018 after stepping away from competitive powerlifting. Signing up for my first half marathon was daunting, but through the process of training, I discovered trail running and the community that comes with it. In my first year of running, I completed my first half marathon, marathon, and 50K — I was hooked!

Since then I've completed several 100-miler races along with various other distances. Along the way, I've found fulfillment in helping others challenge their running potentials and accomplish big, scary goals. I'm all about coaching runners at any level, from beginners to those craving new challenges or distances. Whether you're eyeing your first trail half marathon or aiming to go big with a 100-miler, I've got your back. My approach is all about the big picture by creating training plans that fit your life and make running a fun and positive experience.

In addition to running long and far (and helping others do the same), I’m an avid climber, backpacker, and backcountry skier, currently pursuing guiding professionally in my free time.


Hi, I’m Whitney! I’m a Physical Therapist, coach and hybrid mountain athlete of 10 years currently hailing from Mammoth Lakes, California. I’m an avid backcountry skier, mountaineer, summit scrambler, ultra runner, backpacker, climber, gym rat and skimo racing dabbler.

I’m an in-person Physical Therapist in Mammoth for those returning to sport post orthopedic injury or postpartum and I have a special interest/knowledge in working with higher level athletes with pelvic floor dysfunction. As both an athlete and PT, I understand the mechanics, endurance, strength and power needed to succeed in various disciplines of outdoor sport and enjoy the challenge of catering a program to a person’s individual lifestyle, strengths, weaknesses and needs.

My clients are made up all abilities and all levels of skiers, trail runners, mountaineers and backpackers. I would love to help you reach your own personal summits/goals while being able to say “yes” to more big days outside with your friends and family through fun, engaging and effective programming.


Hi, I’m Chris! I hold a Master’s in Exercise Science and am currently a Ph.D candidate in Exercise Science. I’m a lifelong athlete, having played soccer competitively through childhood and dabbling in volleyball and track in my teenage/young adult years. 

After high school, I joined the military and took on longer distance endurance events, including World’s Toughest Mudder in 2015. Shortly after, I was introduced to Olympic Weightlifting and became obsessed for the next 6 six years. During this time, I became a full-time CrossFit and weightlifting coach to share my love of fitness with others. Seeking a new challenge, I prepared and completed a full distance Ironman in 2021. I now maintain a balance of lifting and running while juggling school, work, and dad life.

I enjoy working with folks across the athletic spectrum – lifters, runners, hybrid athletes. I fully understand athletic pursuits often have to compete with life priorities, so I take joy in helping people find ways to achieve their goals within whatever constraints they are operating. What’s important to me is having a badass goal and striving to achieve it!


Hi, I'm Krissy! I’ve been in athletics for my entire life and in the fitness industry for half my life. I started competing in sport at age 6 and started helping others get stronger and fitter at 18, never looking back. I started backpacking in 2011 which was a my “gateway drug” into mountain sports.

After competing in team sports, triathlons, road running and strength sports from 6 to 29, I decided it was time to step away from competition for a bit. I accidentally fell face first into winter mountaineering and alpine rock climbing in 2019, which soon led to backcountry skiing and ski mountaineering (all in my 30s!). After completing a few unsupported 50k–50mi distances in 2020–2022, I decided to give racing another go in 2023 for first time in over a decade, ending the year with a 2F finish at my first 100k.

I’m on a lifelong journey to become the most well-rounded hybrid mountain athlete possible and I’m fiercely passionate about helping others pursue the same. Juggling multiple outdoor sports at once is tough but doable and I’m here to help you figure it out. Cheers to sending well into our 70s!