Tasha Willing
I’m really proud of the work Morgan and I did together. I was initially apprehensive about getting a nutrition coach because I’m a Type 1 Diabetic, and it felt like it might be an extra burden for a coach. I think Morgan can attest—it definitely made things complicated at times. During the initial intake, I distinctly remember Morgan saying, “I’m really excited to take on this challenge and learn about how I can help.” Not going to lie, it made me a little emotional to have someone view it that way.
Over the past year, she’s adapted to every curveball life has thrown my way, learned about a condition she had little prior experience with, and recognized that I need more input in the plan than most clients.
Goals I had when starting:
Get to eat before every weigh-in and maintain normal blood sugar levels throughout competitions.
Achieve a 210kg competition total (a Canadian international standard).
Finally get my A1C under 7.0%.
Things we accomplished:
Easy, breezy weigh-ins—always with food.
Maintaining the same weight while eating more.
210kg competition total! :)
A1C is currently at 6.8%.
All this while rehabbing two injuries and navigating a lot of lifestyle changes over the past year.
Overall, I’d say we killed it.