What Are All These Ingredients In My Pre-Workout?
The supplement industry is filled with promises, but not all of them hold up under scientific scrutiny. In this blog post we take a deep dive into the most common pre-workout ingredients and their real benefits.
Collagen Protein: What you need to know about the supplement
The fitness and nutrition industry is constantly pushing to add more and more supplements to your regimen. A lack of knowledge on the consumer end, combined with marketing campaigns that aren’t telling you the full story, can lead to confusion and misinformation about what you should and should not be taking for your health. One of those supplements that can be quite confusing to understand is collagen protein. What is it? What are the benefits? What is the difference between collagen and protein supplements like whey? I hope that I can answer a few of those questions for you.
Which Supplements Are Worth The Money?
This is a question I get weekly and its a good question! It’s hard to sift through all the adds on social media and see what’s truly important.
I want to start this off by saying if your nutrition, sleep and hydration are not on point, supplements aren’t going to be doing ya much good. Supplements are just that, to supplement the things you are missing from your diet and lifestyle.
Should you be supplementing creatine?
Probably. Creatine is popular in strength athletes but it does so much more. Creatine is produced by your body and found in foods like meat and fish. Creatine is a combination of different amino acids and helps produce energy!
Pomegranate: The Superfood Supplement
Pomegranates. I'm sure some of you have seen me tout the benefits of utilizing pomegranate, and a lot of my clients have heard me recommend it as well. I want to dive into WHY I'm being such a pomegranate pusher (insert mean girls quote: I'm a PUSHER, Cady).