Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

The Best Way to Measure Body Fat

Manipulation of body composition is a common goal in a variety of pursuits, but how do we accurately and objectively measure and track changes over time? Body composition devices and techniques offer a solution here. However, people often place undue confidence in both the accuracy and precision of body composition values that they get from techniques that are regarded as high-quality.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Should you hire a nutrition coach? Here's how to decide

Navigating through the overwhelming amount of nutrition advice available can be a daunting task. If you have specific goals related to body composition, weight loss, or improving your food choices, it may be time to consider hiring a nutrition coach. Working with a professional who understands the intricacies of nutrition can provide you with the guidance, accountability, and support needed to achieve sustainable success. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why hiring a nutrition coach can benefit you and help you make an informed decision about taking that next step towards a healthier and happier you.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Calories in vs Calories Out, It’s That Simple (or is it?)

If you have ever struggled to lose or gain weight, I guarantee you have at some point heard the advice: 

You just need to eat more/less than you burn”

The person that typically says this kind of thing most likely also holds the belief that being overweight or having obesity is a result of pure laziness or a lack of morals. At the surface level, this advice is correct. However, it is correct in the same way that going to a football game and telling the head coach of your team “Hey pal, you just gotta score more points than the other team and you’ll win” is correct. Correct, but very unhelpful and lacks any understanding on what contributes to the scoring of points. 

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

Sleep: The missing piece in your health & fitness puzzle

In the world of health and fitness, there's a lot of emphasis on exercise, nutrition, and supplements. But there's one crucial factor that often gets overlooked: sleep. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that more exercise, more supplements, or a new diet plan will be the solution to your health and fitness goals. But the truth is, without enough sleep, all those efforts may be in vain.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Are you eating enough?

Many people are quick to blame nagging health issues on their food habits and often rightfully so. But they’re more likely to pin it on over-eating when often the root of the issue is actually the opposite. Under-eating is VERY common. We’ve conditioned ourselves to believe that eating less  = better life. The truth is that’s not always true. I know, I KNOW, this is the opposite of what you’ve believed your whole life! Eating too little is just as unhealthy as eating too much.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Your nutrition should be periodized – just like your training

While I'm not proud of it, when I first started losing weight, I was 100% into cut mode every day 24/7. I didn't have the slightest clue as to what a real maintenance period was, because I thought that was something you only did once you reached your ‘goal weight’. I also didn’t realize I was doing more harm than good by trying to be in a straight deficit for a majority of the year. Maintenance is where so much of the magic happens; habits are built, there’s more flexibility with food choices and social gatherings, cortisol levels are lower, and energy is higher.

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

The best time of day to eat for maximizing performance & fat loss

Nutrient timing is generally discussed in relation to two things: the circadian rhythm, which are your natural internal processes that ebb and flow, and repeat every 24 hours or so; and timing around training sessions. In this article, I will discuss how each of those can affect weight/fat loss, and then separately discuss performance implications.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Want to lose fat and keep it off?

We know the statistics. The majority of our clients come to us with fat loss as their main goal. Before joining Black Iron Nutrition, many have tried every diet under the sun. Keto. Paleo. Intermittent Fasting. Carnivore. Vegan. Vegetarian. They’ve tried other nutrition companies – and have found themselves on dangerously low calories. And while we won’t deny that they saw results initially – they weren’t able to sustain their results in the long-term. Many end up right back where they started.

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Mindset, Nutrition Ashley Beaver Mindset, Nutrition Ashley Beaver

How to achieve your ideal body

It is really common to see clients mention in the first few weeks or months of working with a nutrition coach that they’re disappointed when they see the scale go up.

From experience, many clients come to a nutrition coach chronically dieting, eating in a caloric deficit, or undereating for longer than 3-6 months. It is imperative that they reverse diet back up to at LEAST their maintenance calories and spend at least 3-6 months eating enough food to boost their metabolic rate. This will allow them to lose more weight effectively in the future. Your metabolism slows down when you eat lower calories, so as calories increase, your metabolism should increase as well.

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Nutrition, Mindset Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Mindset Ashley Beaver

How can I loose weight fast, but in a healthy way?

I had a friend ask me this question the other day and it led me to understand that most of us really want weight loss to happen as fast as possible. But in order to lose weight quickly, it’s often not going to happen in what I would consider a “healthy” way.

There are so many “diets” out there that have you restrict so many calories that you no longer have the energy to exercise; high fat, no carb, meal replacements, you name it, it’s out there. And about 95% of the time my clients tell me they have tried some, if not all of these kinds of diets. They come to me worn out from it all.

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Mindset Ashley Beaver Mindset Ashley Beaver

What is Body Neutrality?

Me when I try to explain body neutrality…

A body is just a body. It doesn’t have moral value. It changes as you change. There’s nothing inherently good or evil about it. I used to think I had to constantly, aggressively love my body- if I didn’t feel that way on a day, I felt like I was failing or not being “positive” enough.

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Ashley Beaver Ashley Beaver

2020 New Year Giveaway Winners Announced!

We kicked off the year with an accountability challenge to help our clients stay motivated and excited to make their nutrition a priority in 2020. There were SO many client submissions and we’re so proud of everyone who participated and made positive mental and physical progress during the first 3 months of the New Year. The competition was stiff! Congratulations to our 2020 New Year Giveaway Winners!

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Alcohol and Its Impact on the Body

It’s beach season! For some people that means bikini’s, white sand, and those fruity drinks with the umbrellas! But what if you have fat loss goals? Can you still drink? How does it impact your body and what are the “best” ways we can fit drinking into our macros?! We’re not here to tell you what to do, we just want you to understand the physiology of what happens when you drink and let you make the best decision for you!

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Okay, It's Warm Out There...

Okay, it’s warm out there. At least, for some people. (again, being in the Northeast is great and all but yesterday was cold and rainy and today it’s 65 and sunny… you just never know).

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Why We Aren't Cutting Calories (Yet)

Just because you hired a nutrition coach and put “fat loss” as your goal, it doesn’t mean you’re going to start a caloric deficit right away. I try to put my clients on maintenance calories most of the time when we first start together (excluding special scenarios like yo-yo dieters and chronic dieters/under-eaters).

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

The Easy Way to "Meal Prep"

Do you hear the words “Meal Prep” and instantly cringe at the thought of all the time and effort that needs to be put into that task? Let’s be honest, those Instagram pictures of Tupperware perfectly lined up on the counter with every meal for the week specifically weighed out are beautiful, but a bit hard to execute without wasting a whole day! Well, I am here to offer some assistance and help you prep for the week ahead in a very efficient and realistic way.

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