6 ways to increase your daily steps
Trick to getting more steps? Get a dog!
One thing I try to focus on with clients who are trying to lose fat is not so much the hour IN the gym, but what they do in terms of movement the other 23 hours of the day. Personally, I think walking is the most underrated tool.
Here are some tips I give my clients:
The key to being successful with your nutrition
My face when a client says they are upset they “only” lost half a pound this week 😡
The toughest part about being a nutrition coach is getting clients to buy in on a few ideas.
Kelly's advice to clients during the holiday season
Here is a little message I sent my clients about the holiday and some tips I try to live by during this time of year! Do not fear the holidays. How sad is that? I used to almost hate birthdays, Christmas, events because I felt like I was messing up. I didn’t want to see my family because I couldn’t control my food.