Natalie B.


When I first found out about Black Iron Nutrition, it was just Krissy Mae Cagney, doing her thing on Instagram. At the time, I was 50 lbs heavier, I didn't have an ounce of confidence but deep down inside I knew I wanted and deserved better for myself. I bought the original flexible dieting book, taught myself about macros and started to eat better. This wasn't my first rodeo with weight loss, I had done and failed weight watchers many times, I was a zumba fanatic for awhile, I tried no carb, no fat, trying to just not eat. I tried eating all the cookies in one sitting so they'd be gone tomorrow. My relationship with myself, and with food was a complete disaster. 

One day, I woke up and at 255 lbs went into the gym and asked for a trainer. I started weight lifting and after about 8 weeks or so I started to gain the first ounce of confidence I had in a long time. I ended up leaving a very abusive marriage, worked on myself for a year and with eating clean and following Krissys guidelines got down to 190 lbs. OH but it doesn't end there kids. I found a new boyfriend, who loves the gym but also food as much as I do. We went on hundreds of dates and ate burgers and drank IPA's and this is where I learned that you CANNOT out train a bad diet. 6x a week in the gym and somehow I managed to put on 25 lbs. In February of  2017, Krissy did an open coaching thing, where we filled out an excel sheet and got macros to follow. I was so stoked to have official Krissy math, but my relationship with food still sucked. I found myself fudging the numbers to make the sheet look pretty, and then blamed the macros for not working. I was not ready, and I learned that I had to be super honest with myself. Finally in November I signed up for coaching, worked hard on my relationship and my honesty with food. I experienced a very traumatic event in my family at the beginning of 2018 and instead of throwing all progress away, I opened up to my coach, took a mental break from tracking when I needed it and came back to BIN in July stronger than ever. 

I used to laugh about having a goal of ABS, but I achieved it!
I used to laugh about Crossfit, but now I love it.
I used to think I would be the fat, unconfident girl forever....but now I forgive her.

If you would've told me a year and a half ago that I'd be certified in nutrition, a total nutrition nerd, and signing up to compete in a Crossfit comp, I would've told you you're INSANE.

Black Iron Nutrition gives you the tools you need to change your life. Cut the bullshit and work for the life you deserve. 


Kayla C.


Nicki P.