


After graduating from University of Delaware with a Bachelor's Degree in Women's Studies and Gender & Sexuality, Morgan moved to Philadelphia in 2010. Shortly after, she discovered CrossFit and quickly fell in love. Without a background in sports, she was experiencing strength gains and confidence with her body in a new context for the first time. This new found perspective for how she perceived her body's worth was what motivated her to invest in becoming a CrossFit coach for the last 9+ years. She was wholly dedicated to helping people excel past their own expectations, striving to make CrossFit accessible to all - specifically marginalized groups that the sport was not initially created for or marketed to, like people of color and queer youth.

While training for CrossFit competitively, Morgan experimented with a myriad of nutrition trends. Trying to balance her chronic gut health issues, body dysmorphia, and desire to compete well - she decided to educate herself on how her nutrition could better serve her. Learning about how misguided the entire diet industry is pushed her to start spreading her knowledge to as many people as possible. Now, knowing that the success of the entire industry depends wholly on scaring people into making certain nutrition decisions, she has dedicated her career to chipping away at the harmful spread of misinformation.

Having unlearned the narrative that we must be small to be worthy, we must be athletic-looking to be athletes, and we must not dare to take up space - she specializes in helping people move through their own body dysmorphia, learning to value their relationship with food based on how it helps them feel, perform, and be human. She consistently evaluates how the role of socio-economic factors and race contribute to nutrition ideas that harm specific communities, and she is invested in critiquing her own biases as she becomes a better leader of nutrition knowledge.

To Morgan- food is energy, food is wellness, food is security - but it is also culture, identity, and comfort. This remains one of the major pillars of her nutrition coaching approach.


  • PN Sleep, Stress, & Recovery Certification (in progress)

  • Precision Nutrition L1

  • USAW Level 2- Advanced Sports Performance Coach

  • CrossFit L1

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Women's Studies/Gender & Sexuality


  • 64kg USAW competitive weightlifter - 8 National medals, 3 International medals 

  • 2014 CrossFit Regional Team Athlete



  • Performance Nutrition