
Brooke was born in Zumbrota, Minnesota. After graduating, she moved to Jacksonville, FL, where she competed as a Regional and National level Rugby player. After a career-ending injury in 2012, Brooke found CrossFit. She immediately enjoyed the community and competitive nature of the sport and began training to qualify for the CrossFit Games. Brooke qualified for her first Games as an Individual in 2019 and then again in 2020 (she also qualified on a team that year). In 2024 Brooke competed on Team Density in Dallas/Ft. Worth at the CrossFit Games.

During her years as a competitive CrossFit Games athlete, Brooke was also a full-time CrossFit coach and owned an affiliate for several years, coaching and teaching the CrossFit methodology to thousands of athletes. In 2021, Brooke switched her focus to nutrition coaching and became a PN1 Certified Nutrition Coach. Since then, she has helped hundreds of people achieve their goals. She specializes in Performance Nutrition and General Health/Wellness/Lifestyle Nutrition.

Brooke believes nutrition isn’t a “one size fits all” approach and wants her clients to walk away feeling like they have gained the knowledge to last a lifetime—all while achieving the goals they’ve set for themselves in the short term.


  • 10 years of coaching experience

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 

  • NASM Certified Sports Nutrition Coach

  • CrossFit Trainer Level 1

  • CrossFit Nutrition

  • Health and Wellness Coach

  • ISSA Certified Nutritionist



  • Lifestyle Nutrition

  • Performance Nutrition

  • Programming