Nutrition Krissy cagney Nutrition Krissy cagney

Let’s Talk About Gut Health

Gut health is quite the hot topic in the health and wellness space, and for good reason as more and more research shows the connection between your gut and many of the human body’s functions.

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

Which Supplements Are Worth The Money?

This is a question I get weekly and its a good question! It’s hard to sift through all the adds on social media and see what’s truly important.

I want to start this off by saying if your nutrition, sleep and hydration are not on point, supplements aren’t going to be doing ya much good. Supplements are just that, to supplement the things you are missing from your diet and lifestyle.

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Nutrition, Mindset Guest User Nutrition, Mindset Guest User

Pre & Post Surgery Nutrition

When you have surgery of any sort, your body has a heightened level of stress and inflammation. You want to minimize that to support your body’s recovery process. Oftentimes skin or tissue is torn and in need of repair. On top of that, when you have surgery, it's likely that you are not getting as much movement as you're used to. Considering all of these factors, here is what I recommend adding to your routine to help you recover better and faster.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Protein Cheat Sheet

Protein is involved in nearly EVERY process in the body! It’s essential for muscle, cell, and tissue growth, as well as repair. It’s involved in cell structure, enzyme function, and transport in the body. It improves recovery and increases strength. It even strengthens our immune function!

Most people know that protein is essential for body composition, performance, and muscle gain, but they’re unaware of how important it is for optimal health. With so many functions, adequate protein consumption is incredibly important.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Why you should drink water first thing in the morning

It's tempting to wake up and rush to make your morning cup of coffee. You need the jolt. It's part of your ritual. Water doesn't even cross your mind. Breakfast and two cups of joe later, and suddenly it's 10:30 am...and you realize you've had NO water yet today. It happens to the best of us. And that's what inspired our October Habit of the Month - Drink 20 ounces of water FIRST thing every morning!

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Staying on Track at Work

Here’s a secret for you: When I first started flexible dieting, eating around other people was really hard for me. And where do I eat around other people the most? At work! When I ate alone, I felt in control. When I ate at home, I felt safe and had the support of a loving partner who was willing to accommodate all sorts of weird requests as I sorted through what did or did not fuel my body effectively.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Ordering Food & Tracking Macros at Restaurants

One of the most frequent questions I find myself answering when coaching my nutrition clients is “How do I make this work when I travel?” or “In this situation I find myself running around and need to grab something quickly, where should I go?. Although I always recommend cooking your own fresh food as much as possible, I am human, and I understand life gets busy and these situations are all too common. One of the biggest pros of following a Flexible Nutrition program is that when life gets in the way and food prep isn’t an option, we know what to do!

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

4 Habits of Successful Nutrition Clients

As nutrition coaches, we see a lot of different habits that work for different people. As coaches, it’s our job to design a program that helps add to a client’s life and to make sure it enhances their lifestyle, as that is a pretty good indicator of sustainability and success. After coaching hundreds of clients, I have found a few characteristics that successful clients have in common.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

SODIUM: How Much Do We Really Need?

Many of us have been told that too much salt is not good for us, kind of like how we’ve been told saturated fat isn’t good for us (but that’s a topic for another day). Well, I’m here to let you know that much of what you’ve heard about sodium isn’t quite true for a lot of us. If you’ve ever talked to anyone in the health world, you know that as with most things the answer to, “How much sodium do I need?” is, “It depends” on the situation and the individual.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

5 Cookbooks to Jumpstart Your Food Prep

Have you ever been stuck in a meal prep rut? Maybe you’ve been eating the same thing for a week straight, maybe you were never “all about that broccoli and chicken lifestyle”, or maybe you are a little intimated by cooking altogether. Whatever your particular hurdle maybe, I have always found that a good cookbook (or two) can really help shake things up, provide some inspiration, and help guide you towards your next culinary success. Here are the top five cookbooks that I keep in my kitchen…

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Mindset, Nutrition Ashley Beaver Mindset, Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Stuck at home? Here are 6 effective tips to help you structure your day.

If you are able to––or when you are able to if it isn't quite time yet––try to slowly begin to get back to a normal (ha!) routine as much as possible given the circumstances. Our minds and bodies thrive off of routine and structure. It makes us feel secure, safe, and stable. Uncertainty causes large amounts of stress on us both physically and mentally. Humans are creatures of habit.

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Fitness, Nutrition Ashley Beaver Fitness, Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Should You Gain Mass

It’s all too common to see clients believe they can ONLY improve their health and/or sports performance by LOWERING their weight - that a lower body fat percentage and improving sports performance and/or health markers are directly connected. Heck, I used to be one of these people!

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

3 Things Essential For Gaining Muscle

3 things will optimize your muscle gain: Resistance training, A calorie surplus, Adequate protein intake.

Each of these things plays off of one another. You can gain muscle in a calorie surplus without resistance training, but you’ll likely put on more fat than you will lean body mass if you don’t lift. If you don’t eat enough protein, you won’t put on as much muscle as you could.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Should you be supplementing creatine?

Probably. Creatine is popular in strength athletes but it does so much more. Creatine is produced by your body and found in foods like meat and fish. Creatine is a combination of different amino acids and helps produce energy!

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

What Your Teacher Never Told You About Your Cycle

“If I see one more of those articles, I’m going to lose my mind! Women don’t need to train around their cycles, that’s absurd!” I was sitting in a Strength and Conditioning class with my favorite professor. We were talking about fitness articles that discussed women adapting their training in the gym to sync with their menstrual cycles. The whole class laughed, and I chuckled along. Sure, I myself had problems getting out of bed and taking care of my kids, but maybe there was just something wrong with me?

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Introducing New Client Types

We have fully embraced the notion that each individual client needs to be educated and coached in a very specific way. Not only are your goals and knowledge about nutrition unique and specific to you, but they will most likely change during your time with us.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Thanksgiving Game Plan

Let’s talk Thanksgiving Day! Too often, I hear how much anxiety a day like Thanksgiving brings to my clients. A holiday that is basically centered around how much food we can stuff into our face in one sitting terrifies many people who are on a weight loss, or health and fitness journey. I put together a quick list of my favorite strategies to help you relax and enjoy the day!

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Nutrition, Mindset Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Mindset Ashley Beaver

Have your pie & eat it too

I’m not sure why our loved ones and friends think that they need to have an opinion on how we choose to eat and take care of our bodies, but they always do. It can be an uncomfortable situation and often leads us to feel bad about the choices we are making to improve our health and find balance in our relationship with food.

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