What’s the Skinny on Sodium?
By now you've probably heard over and over again how people need to decrease the amount of sodium they're consuming on a daily basis. Well, that’s all fine and good if we only really knew why sodium was important to keep in balance. I am much more apt to pay attention to vitamins and minerals that are either helpful or harmful to my health when I really understand how the body is responding to that mineral. So if you are anything like me and want to know what the big deal is about sodium, then I hope you find this helpful.
Are You At Your Peak?
In 2008, my collegiate swimming career was coming to an end. By that point in time, it was coming somewhat as a welcome. I was just coming out of some serious issues with over-training syndrome and exercise addiction. But a large part of me was concerned about what my identity would be like without swimming. Outside of that, what was I to do as far as fitness and staying in shape? For 16 years I had grown accustomed to just wearing a Speedo to swim in. But would I have the audacity to ever put one back on if I couldn't look at least decent in it again? So many concerns were going through my head with the end of such a career…
Meal Prep Made Easy
Meal Prepping; The Stories I don’t have time. I don’t like eating the same thing all week. I don’t know-how. I can’t afford it. My family is too picky.
How to make eating out a part of your balanced diet
Need help eating out?! We’ve got you covered…
How To Be Successful With Tracking Macros
Check out this video How To Be Successful With Tracking Macros.
7 Ways To Drink More Water
We all know that water is important. We literally cannot live without it. The human body can go weeks without food, but cannot survive more than three to five days without water.
9 nutrition tips for healthy travel
If your nutrition is a priority of yours (and I'm sure it is or you probably wouldn't be reading this) then I hope this list comes in handy. Whether you travel for work or pleasure and whether you're on a road trip or flying somewhere far away, having a plan is key.
3 Simple Ways to Meal Plan
The easiest way to stay on track with your diet is to plan ahead and meal prep. It's simple. If you have good healthy food cooked and ready to eat, you're more likely to stay on track. Has lunchtime ever rolled around and you forgot to pack food, so you wind up at a restaurant trying to make a healthy choice, only to get more food than you need or food that's cooked in too much oil, or loaded with dressing? Sure you can eat out and still eat healthy, but in the long run, packing your lunches and planning your dinners is going to help you achieve your goals a lot faster (and save you money).