Fitness Ashley Beaver Fitness Ashley Beaver

The Black Iron Run + Lift Program

If you’re a lifter, you’ve no doubt heard that cardio kills your gains. If you’re a runner, you’re probably familiar with the argument that lifting makes you bulky and slow. So, what’s the deal there? 

Running and lifting are indeed two separate disciplines with their own unique set of adaptations and training requirements, which has caused many to be worried about something called the “interference effect”.

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Fitness Ashley Beaver Fitness Ashley Beaver

How long does it take to lose your gains?

Taking time off from your regular workout routine for any reason can be a challenge, and it's common to worry about losing the progress you've made in your fitness journey. Whether you're recovering from an injury, dealing with a personal issue that leaves you with less time and energy, or facing any other circumstance that makes it difficult to maintain your regular workout schedule, it's normal to be worried about months or even years of training going down the drain. But how long does it take to really for deconditioning to really set in?

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

7 tips for training in the heat

Training in the heat can be challenging, especially if you aren’t used to it. When Black Iron Nutrition coach Amanda May moved south she realized pretty quickly that she was going to need a game plan for managing the heat; from hydration to meal timing, training volume to straight up managing her performance expectations. Similar to acclimatizing for high elevation, our bodies need to do the same thing for heat.

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Fitness Ashley Beaver Fitness Ashley Beaver

4 Things Essential for Recovery

People want to glamorize recovery with fancy tools like the recovery boots and massage guns but what really matters?

Really, there are four important parts of recovery. If these points are not a priority, those fancy recovery tools aren’t going to do much!

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

Sleep Deprivation and It's Impact on Body Composition

When most of us look to change our lifestyle to lose weight we often turn towards a healthy diet and exercise. Up at 4 am for our first workout, lots of fruits and veggies, and maybe an evening weightlifting session. By the end of the week we are exhausted, hungry, and wishing for an extra hour of sleep. Is it worth it to press the snooze button and get that extra hour of sleep? Will that really help you reach your goals? You better believe it….

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Fitness Ashley Beaver Fitness Ashley Beaver

Rest and Recovery Days

A lot of folks think that they need to do MORE MORE MORE to lose weight, gain muscle, or achieve performance/athletic goals, and yes, we DO want to exercise, but people forget that exercise is also a stressor on the body.

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