Collagen Protein: What you need to know about the supplement
The fitness and nutrition industry is constantly pushing to add more and more supplements to your regimen. A lack of knowledge on the consumer end, combined with marketing campaigns that aren’t telling you the full story, can lead to confusion and misinformation about what you should and should not be taking for your health. One of those supplements that can be quite confusing to understand is collagen protein. What is it? What are the benefits? What is the difference between collagen and protein supplements like whey? I hope that I can answer a few of those questions for you.
Overcoming Negative Self-Talk During Life's Changes
I was really struggling with something recently, and after doing my check-ins with my clients that day, I realized that so many of you guys struggle with the same thing.
What I Learned from a 365 Day Habit
In 2021, I committed to walking one mile per day. When I told people I was doing a mile a day they always looked at me funny because they knew that I had a moderate level of fitness and could run much longer distances. But I knew I couldn't commit to running or even walking those longer distances consistently every single day for an entire year.
4 Things Essential for Recovery
People want to glamorize recovery with fancy tools like the recovery boots and massage guns but what really matters?
Really, there are four important parts of recovery. If these points are not a priority, those fancy recovery tools aren’t going to do much!
Goal Setting Best Practices: Get SMARTer!
So, you’ve made the decision to improve your health through nutrition this year. Uh, okay… now what?
Having a vague goal like “eat healthier” or “lose weight” can end up being really frustrating. Why? Because there is no clear starting point or first step and no clear endpoint or why to evaluate that you have attained your goal.
Introducing New Client Types
We have fully embraced the notion that each individual client needs to be educated and coached in a very specific way. Not only are your goals and knowledge about nutrition unique and specific to you, but they will most likely change during your time with us.
Sleep Deprivation and It's Impact on Body Composition
When most of us look to change our lifestyle to lose weight we often turn towards a healthy diet and exercise. Up at 4 am for our first workout, lots of fruits and veggies, and maybe an evening weightlifting session. By the end of the week we are exhausted, hungry, and wishing for an extra hour of sleep. Is it worth it to press the snooze button and get that extra hour of sleep? Will that really help you reach your goals? You better believe it….
Scale Soap Box
Excuse me while I get on my soapbox for a second… Why are we always so mean to ourselves? Why do we put so much stock in a piece of metal or glass THING on the floor of our bathroom?! Why does the scale have the power to ruin our entire day before it even begins?!
Motivation Isn't The Issue
Hi. Can we talk willpower, motivation, whatever you want to call it? It's pretty common to see clients going ham on 400+ extra calories, not getting movement in, etc due to "no motivation." Listen... I get it. I really do. You're not alone, and not a single one of us is perfect.
Manders tips for navigating the holidays
With Christmas approaching quickly, we know you’ll be attending a lot of parties, get-togethers, dinners, and more. Coach Manders has put together her best tips and advice for navigating the holiday parties. Because the last thing we want is for you to be nervous or anxious at this time of year. Hopefully, these tips will help you relax so you can truly enjoy yourself.
Flexible Dieting: Are You Doing It Right?
I’ve cycled through lots of extremes regarding my nutrition. I’ve gone years never thinking twice about what I consumed. I’ve gone through periods of intense bingeing, only to restrict for days on end. I have also lived on the other side of the extreme…
Barbecued Hassleback Sweet Potatoes
Here’s a great recipe for Barbecued Hassleback Sweet Potatoes.