Nutrition, Recipes Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Recipes Ashley Beaver

No Prep Food Prep

No prep meal prep foods can be a LIFESAVER during busy weeks, traveling and weeks when you just don’t have the mental capacity to cook everything fresh.

Black Iron Nutrition coach Ryann breaks down “No Prep” food options by macro, along with some additional no prep food options specifically for fruits and vegetables. Hopefully this makes you dread meal prep a little less and gives you some more time on the weekends for FUN!

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Your Simplified Grocery Guide

In this grocery guide, we have broken down everything you need to create a balanced and healthy meal plan. We suggest how many items to pick from each category, including your major macronutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, as well as micronutrient-rich fruits and veggies, quick snacks, and seasonings to add flavor to your meals.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Tips and tricks to survive the holiday season

Make some non negotiable habits you want to work on even when you are not traveling or tracking.

There are so many habits you can work on even when you are out of your normal routine or aren’t tracking your food. These habits can help you stay mindful and give you a little bit of “routine” even when your routine is off.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

How to approach your nutrition when eating out

I know a lot of people struggle with is staying on top of their nutrition for events, or even just a night out.

There are couple ways to approach events and going out to eat, and it really depends whether you plan to track your food while you are out or not.

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Fitness Ashley Beaver Fitness Ashley Beaver

4 Things Essential for Recovery

People want to glamorize recovery with fancy tools like the recovery boots and massage guns but what really matters?

Really, there are four important parts of recovery. If these points are not a priority, those fancy recovery tools aren’t going to do much!

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Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver Nutrition, Fitness Ashley Beaver

Which Supplements Are Worth The Money?

This is a question I get weekly and its a good question! It’s hard to sift through all the adds on social media and see what’s truly important.

I want to start this off by saying if your nutrition, sleep and hydration are not on point, supplements aren’t going to be doing ya much good. Supplements are just that, to supplement the things you are missing from your diet and lifestyle.

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Mindset Ashley Beaver Mindset Ashley Beaver

7 Ways to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Did you know that the average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night?

Did you know athletes may need even more?

Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation can cause slow reaction times, can alter pain reception and can even decrease accuracy. All things every athlete needs to stay in tip-top shape.

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Should you be supplementing creatine?

Probably. Creatine is popular in strength athletes but it does so much more. Creatine is produced by your body and found in foods like meat and fish. Creatine is a combination of different amino acids and helps produce energy!

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Nutrition Ashley Beaver Nutrition Ashley Beaver

Holiday Weekend Nutrition Tips

Staying on track for parties and BBQ’s isn’t hard. We tend to over complicate things by not asking what food will be there, by forgetting everything that we know about moderation and nutrition, by drinking too much and losing control, by not planning ahead.

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Mindset Ashley Beaver Mindset Ashley Beaver

Positive Thinking - Positive Outcomes

My clients all know that having a positive mindset is crucial to making physical progress. A negative mindset usually means we’re stressed and a stressed body is not a happy body. Does this mean we have to be happy and pretend like everything is okay when it’s really on fire? HELL NO. There are a few categories people fall into when it comes to having a negative mindset:

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